Lunches & Refreshments
At Breckland School we provide a tasty and nutritious menu which is available to all pupils with a meal deal at the cost of £2.58. Updated menus are posted in the dining hall.
The school uses a Biometric fingerprint system at the tills. Families can choose to opt out of the fingerprint system if they prefer. Consent is sought when students join the school.
We are a cashless school so items which need to be paid for, including lunches, must be done so via ParentPay. Families are free to opt out of the fingerprint system but must inform the school via and their child will be issued with a PIN instead.
The school’s catering is run by Caterlink. Their menus, which are on a three-weekly cycle, can be viewed by clicking on the attachments at the top of this page.

Our kitchens have a 5 Star Food Hygiene rating
Packed Lunches
In order to promote healthy eating for your children at Breckland School, please ensure that energy and carbonated drinks are not brought into school.
Please make sure your child has a bottle of water to help them stay hydrated and focused in class during the day. Bottles can be refilled at no charge.